
How to Make a Beautiful Sheer Chair Sashes Rosette?

How to Make a Beautiful Sheer Chair Sashes Rosette?
All of our inexpensive craft fabrics can be used for countless decorating projects. Today we’re going to demonstrate how to make a beautiful rose-shaped chair bow with just a few yards of our Crinkle Sheer Fabric.

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The rosette can be made with or without tails. You’ll need about 8 feet of fabric to make it with tails, or about 5 feet without. For your first chair bow, start with a little more fabric than you think you you’ll need, as you can always trim the excess. You’ll probably want to trim the ends of the “with tails” version a little also, just to make sure the ends match perfectly.

Expect to spend about 10 minutes making your first rosette, but as you get the hang of it you should find it goes much quicker. With a material cost of only about $3 per per bow, this is an extremely affordable way to decorate your chairs.

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Showing the Rosette Chair Bow with and without fabric tails
Showing the Rosette Chair Bow with and without fabric tails

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